The 10 Commandments of Repeatable Business Innovation
As businesses hop aboard the repeatable innovation train, it’s imperative that leaders get a few things straight from the get-go. If you’re going to do innovation right at your company, you’ll need to...
View ArticleFun Friday Links: Today We’re Thankful for These Awesome Acts of Humanity
Welcome to Conspire’s Super Happy Fun Friday Link Time, a weekly collection of cool discoveries from around the Web. Most times the goal is to get you thinking differently about communication,...
View ArticleCapitalizing on Ideas and Delivering Successful Projects [INFOGRAPHIC]
When facing the rough terrain that is today’s demanding marketplace, more great ideas see the business end of budget cuts than they do the light of day. After all, translating an intangible concept...
View ArticleInnovation Cafe Recap: Best Practices for an Effective Innovation Process
Just last week, we hosted a webinar with Forrester VP and Analyst Chip Gliedman, wherein we discussed his best practices for implementing an effective innovation process in your organization. In...
View ArticleLeading for Innovation and Growth: Executive Outlook 2013 [INFOGRAPHIC]
Although 2013 is coming to a close, it’s worth reflecting on what global industries predicted this year’s focus on innovation would bring in terms of growth and success. Despite a shaky economy, an...
View Article3 Ways Mindjet and SpigitEngage Help Spark Creativity
There are plenty of ways to up your personal creativity — become one with nature, take glass-blowing lessons, read more, lock yourself in a room with inspirational books. But sometimes we need to...
View ArticleThursday #ThoughtLeadership Roundup: Getting Confused, 30 Second Thought...
Once again, it’s #thoughtleadership Thursday (our last one for a bit — Thanksgiving takes the headlines next week!). On the wire today: why thought leadership isn’t the same as native advertising, the...
View ArticleEffects of Ergonomics on Employee Productivity [INFOGRAPHIC]
Of all the hundreds of things that affect our productivity on a daily basis — snoozing alarms, interrupting managers, last-minute meetings, the internet — rarely do we consider the impact our desk...
View ArticleFun Friday Links: A Little Thanksgiving History, Mapping T-Day Meals, and 13...
Welcome to Conspire’s Super Happy Fun Friday Link Time, a weekly collection of cool discoveries from around the Web. Most times the goal is to get you thinking differently about communication,...
View Article5 TED Talks to Get You in a Grateful Mood This Thanksgiving
As much as being grateful should not be exclusively celebrated one day per year, we do have a day dedicated to giving thanks coming up pretty soon. And so, to help you prepare for an entire day of...
View ArticleThe Rise of the Intrapreneur: Innovation and the Enterprise
Amongst all the talk about why innovation is important, or how every CEO worth the title is “placing a premium” on innovating, it’s increasingly difficult to unearth nuggets of applicable information...
View ArticleGrowing Your Business: The Innovation Imperative
If the primary goal for your organization is growth — and it usually is — keeping an eye on global trends, data, and shifting market dynamics is a must. And though interpreting practices or adjusting...
View Article7 Innovations We’re Grateful Exist for Thanksgiving This Year
As we head into the next 24 hours of food comas, family, and reflection, it’s worth noting how different tomorrow will be from many Thanksgivings of yore. For one thing, no one is (probably) arriving...
View ArticleFrom All of Us Here at Mindjet HQ…
Today, we’re thankful for our loyal readers and customers, great employees, dedicated partners, and of course, pie. From all of us here at Mindjet, we hope your day is filled with plenty to be grateful...
View ArticleBeyond the Great Idea: November Roll-Up
During the month of November, we went beyond having great ideas and dug into the specifics of turning them into repeatable processes, the science and data behind viable initiatives, and making...
View ArticleChange Starts Here: Project-Focused Innovation
Like any change worth making, creating a successful innovation program — one that’s both manageable and repeatable, and that proves its effectiveness regularly — starts with one small step. And when...
View ArticleThe Who, Why, and How of Big Data [INFOGRAPHIC]
In our continued efforts to bring the best innovation management and productivity solutions to market, we know that the role of big data is critical. In fact, properly analyzing it is scientifically...
View ArticleDangerous Ideas: 3 Ways to Power Innovation and Risk-Taking
Everybody likes to talk about how innovation is driven by taking calculated risks, being open to change, and fostering a culture that promotes ideation and disruption. All true — but in practice, most...
View ArticleThe 12 Days of Mind Mapping: One Great eCard Resource
On the first day of mind mapping, we’d like to give to you…this map of eCard resources, in case you’re a procrastinator and haven’t sent holiday greetings to your loved ones. No judgment — this is just...
View ArticleInnovation and APIs: Fueling ROI and Development
In the grand scheme of making things work — businesses, relationships, professional partnerships, technology, appliances — the root of any functionality is communication. The science of making two...
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