Welcome to Conspire’s Fun Friday Links, a weekly collection of interesting discoveries from around the Web. Most of the time, the goal is to get you thinking differently about innovation, collaboration, business culture, and life in general. Other times, we may toss an infographic or fun video your way. Submissions are welcome, and you can send them to conspire@mindjet.com for consideration.
Using Social Innovation To Take On ‘The Big C’
Over 32 million people around the world — from current patients to survivors, doctors, caregivers, and family members — face the many struggles of dealing with cancer. Treatments, financial impact, and emotional exhaustion are only a few different pieces of a complex puzzle of this illness. And even with extraordinary medical advances geared towards fighting the disease, misinformation and dismissal of its true dangers still run rampant. But maybe, just maybe, social innovation can change that. From Forbes:
“While medical advances remain crucial in the battle against cancer, there’s another side to the story for the millions who are struggling today with the challenges of fighting this chronic disease. Patients and survivors of cancer remain disproportionately underserved by the social innovation movement that has transformed the way we live. Furthermore, across much of the global South, where “fundamental misconceptions” about the disease persist, cancer patients are almost completely unserved – stigmatized and isolated from support.
“For too long,” argued LIVESTRONG President and CEO, Doug Ulman, “a diagnosis of ‘the big C’… has been a socially taboo topic.” The Foundation is now “taking cancer head on” – addressing both the underserved and the unserved markets – with an unprecedented global assault to “change the way the world lives with cancer.”
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How to Pester Someone Without Being Annoying
If you’ve never been pestered by an eager vendor or colleague who really, really wants your attention, you probably work for yourself. Or at least somewhere that has no need for email. Most of the world, however, is regularly on the receiving and giving end of being a digital pest — whether it’s because you need someone’s input, or because you make an excellent target for sales folks. Still, it is possible to get what you want without becoming an irritant. From Inc.:
“Ask any journalist and they’ll tell you that there are lots and lots of folks out there who are terrible at sending follow-up emails. As a profession, we’re bombarded with nudging notes from possible sources and PR pros, and honestly, most of them are nakedly self-interested, borderline rude and highly annoying (and basically completely kill your chances of getting any press for your company).
With the apparent state of the business community’s pestering skills so poor, it was great to read a recent post by Teju Ravilochan, co-founder and CEO of the Unreasonable Institute. It’s entitled ‘7 Emails you Need to Know How to Write’, and among advice on how to ask for an introduction and say no gracefully, Ravilochan included clever tips on how to be politely persistent in getting someone to write you back.”
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Top 10 Mind Maps on Biggerplate
Who doesn’t love a good mind map? Check out the Top 10 most popular maps from Biggerplate, which include mind maps from all over the world on a variety of interesting topics.
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The post Fun Friday Links: Social Innovation and the Big ‘C’, Pestering Without Being Annoying, and Biggerplate’s Top 10 Mind Maps appeared first on via @Mindjet's Conspire #ideasquad.